
欧陆eurotherm Nanodac过程PID温度控制器/记录仪








Nanodac 是欧陆公司先进的记录仪/控制器一体化产品,在提供数据记录的同时提供双通道的高精度的PID 控制 检测–数据采集和处理,高速8Hz输入频率
显示- 趋势,棒图,数字显示,功能设置等均是图形化 控制- 2 路独立的控制回路
记录仪/控制器一体机具有众多欧陆6000 系列记录仪的优点和特长,如果您的应用过程需要多至4个输入通道的数据记录,Nanodac 的记录仪功能可方便的完成,并可以提供额外的在成本和节省空间方面的好处。
除了具备卓越的记录功能外,可提供2个独立通道的控制回路, 控制回路采用欧陆特有的PID算法;Nanodac 提供两个控制回路的实时显示界面,通过这个界面,操作员可以调整设定值并监视控制过程。
尺寸Nanodac 记录仪/控制器提供了不可思议的高功能:
-对USB 口的支持提供了方便的对产品设置的备份和历史数据的获取

Crystal clear, colour display

The 3.5” TFT display offers incredibly clear visualisation of process parameters with a wide selection of configurable views to best suit the application. Views include: Horizontal and vertical trends; Horizontal and vertical bar graphs; Numeric; Alarm status, and control loops. The unit also provides user wiring from the front of the product for detailed configuration without the need to connect to a PC.

Data Acquisition and Recording

The nanodac recording functionality utilises the secure strategies and UHH format developed by Eurotherm through years of recording expertise. As well as multiple real-time views and historical review on the product, multiple data archiving strategies are provided utilising the 50MB onboard Flash memory, removable USB and data transfer via FTP to a specified server.

The four universal input channels provide high accuracy (suitable for use in Nadcap applications) and 125ms parallel sampling. An additional 14 virtual channels can be utilised to provide maths, counter, slave communications and totaliser functionality within the instrument.

Review software can also be utilised to automatically initialise pulling of data to a Review database over the Ethernet network. Both Review and Dream Report™ software can be used for report generation that meets the needs of your process.

PID Control Loops

The nanodac instrument can also provide two independent control loops (optional). This control functionality utilises the advanced Eurotherm PID algorithm providing high performance and reliability to your process. Functionality includes one of the best autotune facilities available along with overshoot inhibition (cutbacks); compensation for power fluctuations using power feedforward; linear, fan, oil and water cooling.

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